Saturday, November 30, 2019

Visiting a Foreign Country Essay Example

Visiting a Foreign Country Essay No matter where you want to work, study or travel, first you must know the basics and know how to deal with the local people in that country and its environment to enjoy your experience. Being a tourist, you are expected to be stupid. You do not know how to talk to people, how to get anywhere, where to eat or how to eat. But if you are in a country on a holiday trying to get the best of it, wouldnt it be better if you were not stared at for having done something out of that countrys norm? For example, in France it is considered bad manners to not greet the store owner when you enter, a simple Bonjour will show that you are a civilized person. It is important to have a basic understanding of the culture and customs of the country. Chances are you might experience culture shock if you do not, as what is accepted in your country might be outrageous in other countries and vice versa. This will also show respect to those who live there and you might find yourself making friends. You can get to know the mindset of the people there and the customs and culture with a little research before crossing the border. For example, in the UK, they drive walk stand on the left, so you need to as well; in Singapore, you should not spit on the ground as Singapore is one of the cleanest cities in the world; in India, wearing tight and revealing clothes is considered as taboo as they prefer more conservative and traditional way of dressing; and so much more. We will write a custom essay sample on Visiting a Foreign Country specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Visiting a Foreign Country specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Visiting a Foreign Country specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Moreover, the food might be totally different from what you are used to, it can be great or terrifying. It goes from delicious ice-cream sandwiches in America, to intestines in Korea. So if you find that your stomach is not strong enough for intestines, you shall be prepared to only enjoy the scenery, with your jar of peanut butter. One should also know the basic languages of the country they are visiting. It will make things easier , for example to ask your way around the town, and will boos

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Analysis of Great Global Warming Swindle Essays

Analysis of Great Global Warming Swindle Essays Analysis of Great Global Warming Swindle Paper Analysis of Great Global Warming Swindle Paper and its Fourth Assessment Report in 2007. The most up-to- date figure for the Northern Hemisphere, from EPIC (2007), is reproduced in Figure 3, which shows 12 different reconstructions. These consistently show that, for the Northern Hemisphere, the past century is exceptionally warm, and that the warmth of recent decades clearly exceeds that of the Medieval Warm Period in all cases. The United States National Academies published a report in 2006 (NAS 2006) that reviewed the published scientific evidence on surface temperature reconstructions for the last 2000 years. It found that evidence for regional warmth during medieval times [centered around AD 1 000] can be found in a diverse but more limited set of records including ice cores, tree rings, marine sediments, and historical sources from Europe and Asia, but the exact timing and duration of warm periods may have varied from region to region, and the magnitude and geographic extent of the warmth are uncertain. 1 5 Based on a review of the scientific literature, the report concluded none of the large- scale surface temperature reconstructions show medieval temperatures as warm as the last few decades of the 20th century. Very clearly, the documentary has misrepresented the early EPIC figure, and ignored all EPIC updates to this figure. The analyses published by the EPIC strongly contradict the documentary. Another such scientific inaccuracy is the claim that the rising temperatures of the planet stared to plateau around 1940 and then didnt continue to rise again until 1970, and therefore that this represents evidence that human activities dont influence the climate. This is clearly a tactic employed by the movies makers and interviewees to manipulate the audience as the logic behind this is very flawed. The years leading up to and during the second World War were a time of great industrialization for many countries in the northern hemisphere (which contains a majority of the Earths landmass), causing large amounts of carbon dioxide to be pumped into the atmosphere. This industrialization also created a large amount of pollutants that stayed in the lower atmosphere which reflect incoming sunlight back into space, thereby causing temporary cooling. These lower level pollutants, including sulfate aerosols only have residency times of a few months (as opposed to about 1 00 years for CO)1 6 and therefore arming resumes (refer to figure 1 in appendix). The current data from the EPIC shows that since then, the temperature has been increasing faster than it has in the last 1 0,000 years 17. While there were clearly many attempts at manipulations and scientific errors in the Global Warming Swindle, there were a few valid points that were made. The argument that Global warming is (in some cases) being used in such a way that keeps developing countries from the rapid development needed to create better standards of living for the general population in a valid one. It is very simple for the theory to be seed in a way that makes actions such as preventing the use of fossil fuels in developing countries seem valid, despite the fact that this often a necessary step in the development process. Developed countries currently emit a vast majority of global greenhouse emissions and the media frequently depicts countries such as China and India as the colloquially termed bad guys because they refuse to maintain the necessary reductions in greenhouse emissions. The movie showed a short clip of an interview in a hospital in a rural area of an developing countries where the power from a solar panel was Leary not enough to power the hospital. Such instances are common in rural areas of Africa where Nags, in an attempt to reduce Global emissions, install inappropriate technologies. The movie is also has a sound format in that it is in documentary style? (disregarding the validity of the points presented), and it shows clips from various different scientists and Climate skeptics in different fields. Climate change Skeptic Bicorn Lombard has been criticized for using very few researchers belonging to a very narrow spectrum of fields to validate his clams 8. In comparison, The Global Warming Swindle has resented a decent number of sources and experts. The general format was also such that it intertwined interviews, narration and visual aids. This method is quite effective in maintaining the interest of the audience throughout the movie. The inaccuracies presented in AY Gores An Inconvenient Truth needed to be responded to and the general idea of creating a documentary to address this issue was a good one. AY Gore only barely presented the other side of the argument and there are some very valid cases relating to the fact that Global Warming may not have anthropogenic causes. In fact, if the Global Warming Swindle is correct in its assertion that Global warming isnt manmade then there really isnt much that can be done and our resources really would be better spent elsewhere and any real action would mean convincing every nation on Earth to cut down on fuel emissions-which data suggests, is unlikely. Despite these valid points, arguments can be made to the contrary, especially with consideration to their presentation and the omission of certain information. The Global Warming Swindle implies that there are official expectations for developing countries to cut emissions by the same amount s developed countries. This isnt true. The Kyoto protocol explicitly stated that there was nothing expected from developing countries in this regard 19. This was yet another attempt to manipulate the audience into believing the producers agenda. The inclusion of this fact may have made the movie seem a little more credible and balanced but this information is Omitted. For the most part, it is now understood that economic development has to go hand in hand with climate policy. There is currently no legitimate environmental movement that says that the worlds less developed should have their access o energy restricted. There is also a very valid argument to the effect that sustainable development is a possible route towards economic development. Regardless, even if sustainable development doesnt occur, the use of fossil fuels for development in developing countries wouldnt have a significant effect on the environment. Costs estimate that the upper bound for the annual cost of emissions reductions consistent with the stabilization of CO levels would equal about 1 % of the worlds GAP by 205020. This shows that, despite the cost, continual development is possible and that these actions will reverent the possible occurrence of Global Warming related phenomena that could have a detrimental effect to global development. The issue about how scientists now use the theory of manmade global warming to fund their research is completely true. On the other hand, this is not a new phenomenon. In order to prove or disprove a theory, scientists need to find sources of funding for their research. Obviously using arguably the most in vogue scientific issue of our time is an easy way to get funding. Before the theory of Global Warming was being researched, scientists still had to present their research and find modes of funding. Therefore using this as a way to argue that Global Warming isnt the result of anthropogenic greenhouse gases seems a weak argument that is rather off topic. The Great Global Warming Swindle does not represent the current state of knowledge in climate science. Skepticism in science is a healthy thing, and the presence of orthodox scientific skepticism in climate change is ubiquitous. Many of the hypotheses presented in the Great Global Warming Swindle have been considered and rejected by due scientific process. This documentary is far from an objective, critical examination of climate science. Instead the Great Global Warming Swindle goes to great lengths to present outdated, incorrect or ambiguous data in such a way as to grossly distort the true understanding of climate change science, and to support a set of extremely controversial views.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Lottery and A Good Man Is Hard to Find Analysis

The Lottery and A Good Man Is Hard to Find Analysis Fiction/Short Story EssayIn both of the short stories, â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor, both authors use characterization, character names, and symbolism to portray their characters’ values and beliefs and their strengths and weaknesses in a similar yet different matter. The characters’ names and symbols in each story support the theme of each story that they were created in.â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor seemed to use the more modern for the time the book was written and basic description of evil-good people who face the wrath of a disturbed man for no reason. The story was far more complex than just its description of evil, and was interesting in many ways, but not so much interesting in its depiction of the evil character. Overall, I’d say the story supported traditional thoughts about what a disturbed character was, the Misfit, someone w ho was a criminal and who killed those who crossed him with little to no reason. The Misfit can be seen as more evil if one looks at the story more literally and to a deeper point, understanding the grandmother as his actual biological mother. However, this would mostly serve to support the nature of the disturbed characters that already exists. A person who would kill his own mother for any reason would likely fit into anyone’s classical definition of disturbed. The main disturbed characters in this short story are: The Grandmother and the Misfit. The Grandmother is the manipulator in the story, she doesn’t want to go to Florida because she’s got relatives to see in Tennessee and seizing at every chance to change Bailey’s mind. (O’Connor 567). To try and gets her way, she trying to scare her son with reports of a criminal on the loose and guilt trip him about taking his children there. This is said by the grandmother: â€Å"Just you read it. I wo uldn’t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldn’t answer to my conscience if I did.† (O’Connor 567). With the Misfit, he was the mysterious criminal who had run into the family and killed them all as he assumed that they were in his way of escaping. His moment of zenith was him saying: â€Å"I found out the crime don’t matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man or take a tire off his car, because sooner or later you’re going to forget what it was you done and just be punished for it (O’Connor 578).† The symbols in the story are the Misfit’s car, the dark forest, and the cloudless, sunless sky; each of these foreshadowed the events of death were to come.I didn’t see â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson as portraying a disturbed character, but more as disturbing ways in their society. While there were sinful deeds being done, it would be nearly imp ossible to pin them on any modern individuals in the story, and therefore is slightly different from the other story that we have read and discussed. However, the evil is presented as taking the lives of innocents, a common theme wherever evil is presented. The main characters in this story are: Tessie Hutchinson, Old Man Warner, Mr. Summers, Bill Hutchinson, and Mr. Harry Graves. Tessie was the unlucky one of the drawing and was stoned to death, she is a type of hypocrite in the story. That she is excited to participate in the lottery, but objects when her family name is called, it is now unfair. As shouted by Tessie to her husband: Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers. â€Å"You didn’t give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn’t fair!† (Jackson 6) Mr. Warner was the oldest, and declare that this prevents the barbaric state from returning to the village. Mr. Graves helps with the lottery, as well as Mr. Summers assisting in the ri tual. The symbols in this story are: The lottery as the main importance of the day as it is meant to be as a human sacrifice to the higher beings, the black box as to symbolize the choice as to who will die today, the stool could represent the holy trinity, and the stones as a way to generate a crowd to come and watch and/or participate. The Lottery had started as a way to sacrifice for a good growing season, but soon became a routine in their daily lives annually.Both of these stories have similar thematic connections within them to match up with the Southern Gothic genera, as defined as disturbed people doing disturbing things. Jackson and O’Connor use central characters to show how men have the power to misrepresent reality into something the people accept into everyday life as a tradition in â€Å"The Lottery† said in the storyâ€Å"they half listened to the directions,† (Jackson 4) and in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† the character, Misfit, does not remember why he was locked up, but killed the family to â€Å"save† them from sinning again in order to keep up his mind straight. Both stories were shocking in their grade of disturbing and callousness, and I agree with both author’s representation of the nature of disturbing and the way people respond to it.In both of the short stories, â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor, both authors use characterization, character names, and symbolism to portray their characters’ values and beliefs and their strengths and weaknesses in a similar yet different matter. In this way they show that years apart from each other, the Southern Gothic genera will remain the same. As for the similarities between all the characters in both short stories, they will remain the same and have fatal endings. In â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† it is a more traditional evil represented throughout, w hile in â€Å"The Lottery† it represent an evil and disturbed society they live in.Citation PageJackson, Shirley. â€Å"The Lottery† PDF in Canvas. 1948O’Connor, Flannery â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find.† Written Communications II: Reading,  Writing, Researching, Citing. Edited by Spencer Richardson-Jones. W.W. Norton and  Company, 2014. Pp. 567-590O’Connor, Flannery. A good man is hard to find. New Canadian Library, 2015.Jackson, Shirley. The lottery and other stories. Macmillan, 2005.Lohafer, Susan. â€Å"The short story.† The Cambridge Companion to American Fiction After 1945 (2012): 68.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Orientalism and Race in Disney Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Orientalism and Race in Disney Movie - Essay Example Hall applies the term ideology to relate to those images, concepts, and premises which provide the frameworks through which we represent, interpret, understand, and make sense of some aspect of social existence (Hall, 271). He further alludes to the fact that argues the portrayal and perpetuation of race in the media, which is a key producer and transformer of ideologies, touches directly the problem of ideology. Hall established that ideologies result in various forms of social consciousness and as a result will always work best in circumstances where they formulate as well as construct their worldviews. According to Hall, the media constructs a definition of what race is for viewers, what meaning the imagery of race carries as well as how the problem of race should be understood. The media further divides the world in terms of categories of race and setting people apart based on their appearance and notions that have been socially developed over time. The media portrays two forms of racism which include overt racism and inferential racism. Overt racism is defined by the coverage granted to openly racist arguments, positions, or spokespersons while inferential racism relates to the apparently naturalized representations of events and situations relating to race irrespective of whether they are factual or fictional which have racist premises and propositions inscribed in them as a set of unquestioned assumptions. Writers pulling stances in their publication are high profiled writers with a wealth of media experience.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Context of Workplace Education and Training Essay 2 (3000words)

Context of Workplace Education and Training 2 (3000words) - Essay Example rced to restructure, augment and reshape their economic and labor strategies as investors turned more and more to underdeveloped countries to bring their capital where labor is less costly. The Australian government was compelled to grapple with these new realities as unemployment rate rose from 1.6% in 1970 and peaked at 10.1% in 1992. The workforce had to be retrained to be more competitive. It was in this context that Australia adopted and implemented the Vocational Training and Education system. VET is a system of education incorporated into school curricula and workplace trainings that aims at preparing the student or the worker with the necessary competency that will hone them into competent members of the workforce able to compete in the global arena. The Australian VET is characterized by its nationally unified system, Competency-Based Training (CBT) and Work-Based Learning (WBL). Globalization, the VET and other related concerns have impacted even on established Australian i ndustries like Travelex. Travelex is one of the world’s biggest foreign exchange companies. It was founded by Lloyd Dorfman of London in1976 which initially made a breakthrough into the airport scene in 1986 in Heathrow Airport, an arena used to be monopolized by clearing banks. In 1989, it set up foreign exchange units in Australian airports under permission from the Ansett Airlines, operator of the Australian airport terminal. Today, the company operates in 93 airports around the world, has presence in about 30 countries in the world and employs about 6000 people. Australia is its third biggest market (History of Travelex). The Travelex business has three divisions. The Global Business Payments division accepts commercial and personal clients’ requests to service payments in almost all parts of the globe in their preferred currencies. The Retail Division, the largest in the world, which has 700 branches all over the world, sells banknotes and foreign exchange in most currencies

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The pros and cons of the mobile phone Essay Example for Free

The pros and cons of the mobile phone Essay In the last couple of decades, there has been a tremendous step forward in the world of technology. So many of the new inventions have become more familiar to us and much easier to get at any time. And with these new devices that make lots of thing easier, the world around us suddenly changed. For example the mobile phone is used by almost everyone today, so when you meet a new person, their cell phone number is among the basic information you get about them. However cell phones have disadvantages as much as advantages. Pros Always connected You are always connected and anyone who knows your mobile phone can contact you. You can speak to them, text them, send pictures and use lots of other features. Internet access Now most of the mobile phone service providers have GPRS, EDGE or 3G enabled network. You can receive and send emails, always have the newest information, get the exact location of markets, hotels or any other places you need while travelling towards them, download music and movies. Entertainment You can use your phone to listen to music while walking to school or work, play games or watch movies. Cons Always connected? Some times mobile phones can fail you just when you need them the most. You may be at a location where there is no network, your battery can be empty, the providers’ network might be overloaded and your call can suddenly stop, or your phone can simply malfunction. Health hazard Using mobile phone for a long time without break is definitely bad for your health. There have been some studies about the possible radiation from cell phones. The radiation isn’t really that dangerous, unless you’re talking on your phone non stop. But even if you’re not using it that often it can still damage your hearing, especially if talking on the phone is combined with loud music on your headphones. Using mobile phones is very important in today’s world, but we need to make sure that we get enough time for face to face communication to our family and friends, and make sure we don’t overuse mobile phones to the extent for it to become bad for our health.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Defining the Soul in Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Essay -- Song of Mys

Every sentence in Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" tends to either repeat or contradict. He even says of himself, "I contradict myself" (Lauter, p. 2793). This can make Whitman's poetry a little confusing to some. In his many stanzas, definition of the soul is ambiguous and somewhat contradictory. Whitman says, "Clear and sweet is my soul....and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul" (Lauter, p. 2745). What I believe Whitman is saying here is that his soul and everything else that is not his soul, including the souls of others, is clear and sweet. He goes on to say in the lines following, "Lacks one lacks both..." (Lauter, p. 2745). In other words, a soul cannot be clear if it is not sweet and a soul cannot be sweet if it is not clear. If it does not have one of the qualities, then it cannot have the other. By his words, a soul is not a soul unless it has both qualities: clear and sweet. He says many lines down, "I believe in you my soul....the other I must not abase itself to you, And you must not be abased to the other" (Latuer, p. 2746). Whitman ... Defining the Soul in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Essay -- Song of Mys Every sentence in Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" tends to either repeat or contradict. He even says of himself, "I contradict myself" (Lauter, p. 2793). This can make Whitman's poetry a little confusing to some. In his many stanzas, definition of the soul is ambiguous and somewhat contradictory. Whitman says, "Clear and sweet is my soul....and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul" (Lauter, p. 2745). What I believe Whitman is saying here is that his soul and everything else that is not his soul, including the souls of others, is clear and sweet. He goes on to say in the lines following, "Lacks one lacks both..." (Lauter, p. 2745). In other words, a soul cannot be clear if it is not sweet and a soul cannot be sweet if it is not clear. If it does not have one of the qualities, then it cannot have the other. By his words, a soul is not a soul unless it has both qualities: clear and sweet. He says many lines down, "I believe in you my soul....the other I must not abase itself to you, And you must not be abased to the other" (Latuer, p. 2746). Whitman ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Place You Have Visited for a Holiday

Cameron Highlands is the smallest district in the state of Pahang which is located in the north-western corner of the state. One of the wonders of Malaysia, it is the largest and most famous hill resort in the country. This highland paradise still retains much of the charm of an English village. Being a primarily agricultural domain, you will find an abundance of vegetables and fruits farms here. Cameron Highlands is also the leading producer of flowers and tea in Malaysia. Be prepared for a lovely sight of extraordinary flowers you won’t see flourishing elsewhere in Malaysia!Located on the Titiwangsa Range at about 1500 metres above sea-level, the temperature here can drop to 16 ? C or lower at certain times. Cameron Highlands is made up of 4 main townships followed by smaller settlements at different elevations. The first town from the south is Ringlet, followed by Tanah Rata, Brinchang, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja. Ringlet If you're driving via the old road from Tapah, this is the first town you will reach. Located at an elevation of 1,200 metres above sea-level, Ringlet is one of the main agricultural hub for the highlands.Bertam Valley  which is located about 5km away is one of the main flower and vegetable producers in Cameron highlands. You wont find any hotels here in Ringlet. The nearest hotel is the LakeHouse which is less then 10 minutes away. This is also the place to fill up on fuel if you're low on supply. Tanah Rata Further up is Tanah Rata which is about 12 km’s (20 minutes drive) from Ringlet. This is the administrative capital of Cameron Highlands where the government offices, hospital and the district police station is located.The main bus station is also located here and this is where you would be able to get your transportation needs within and out of the highlands sorted out. Most of the chalets and backpacker's accommodation is located here in and around Tanah Rata, Almost all the jungle trekking and w aterfall trails starts from here. Local tours and transfers out of Cameron Highlands can be obtained from the various tour operators in town. Money changers and internet cafe's can also be found here. Tanah Rata would be a nice place to enjoy the highlands, especially during the weekdays.It is much more quieter compared to Brinchang where most of the big hotels and restaurants are located. Brinchang Next is Brinchang which is about 4 km’s (10 minutes drive) from Tanah Rata. This is where you will find most of the hotels and restaurants. The night market which is open every Saturday night and on holidays, features all kinds of vegetables, flowers, fruits and other products of the highlands. This place can get really crowded during the weekends and holiday season. Traffic jams and parking problems can be a nightmare during this time.Next to Ringlet, this is the only other town with petrol stations so keep your fuel tank in check. Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla & Kampung Raja B eyond Brinchang, the road leads to all the way to Blue Valley. Most of the tourist spots are located around this route. This is where you will find the markets, vegetable farms, flower gardens, bee gardens and butterfly gardens. The road also branches out to the Sungai Palas tea plantation from here where you can visit the factory or have a cup of tea while enjoying the breathtaking view of the plantation.If you continue on the main road heading north, it will be downhill from Kea Farm onwards. You will see vegetables farms all the way from here to Tringkap and beyond. Tringkap is a small farming community where you can find stalls along the road selling local produce. Fifteen minutes away is Kuala Terla, another small farming community. Kampung Raja is the last town on the map. Since the opening of the Simpang Pulai road, this town has become the gateway to the highlands from the north. From here, you can head west to Ipoh or east to Gua Musang in Kelantan. Place You Have Visited for a Holiday Cameron Highlands is the smallest district in the state of Pahang which is located in the north-western corner of the state. One of the wonders of Malaysia, it is the largest and most famous hill resort in the country. This highland paradise still retains much of the charm of an English village. Being a primarily agricultural domain, you will find an abundance of vegetables and fruits farms here. Cameron Highlands is also the leading producer of flowers and tea in Malaysia. Be prepared for a lovely sight of extraordinary flowers you won’t see flourishing elsewhere in Malaysia!Located on the Titiwangsa Range at about 1500 metres above sea-level, the temperature here can drop to 16 ? C or lower at certain times. Cameron Highlands is made up of 4 main townships followed by smaller settlements at different elevations. The first town from the south is Ringlet, followed by Tanah Rata, Brinchang, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja. Ringlet If you're driving via the old road from Tapah, this is the first town you will reach. Located at an elevation of 1,200 metres above sea-level, Ringlet is one of the main agricultural hub for the highlands.Bertam Valley  which is located about 5km away is one of the main flower and vegetable producers in Cameron highlands. You wont find any hotels here in Ringlet. The nearest hotel is the LakeHouse which is less then 10 minutes away. This is also the place to fill up on fuel if you're low on supply. Tanah Rata Further up is Tanah Rata which is about 12 km’s (20 minutes drive) from Ringlet. This is the administrative capital of Cameron Highlands where the government offices, hospital and the district police station is located.The main bus station is also located here and this is where you would be able to get your transportation needs within and out of the highlands sorted out. Most of the chalets and backpacker's accommodation is located here in and around Tanah Rata, Almost all the jungle trekking and w aterfall trails starts from here. Local tours and transfers out of Cameron Highlands can be obtained from the various tour operators in town. Money changers and internet cafe's can also be found here. Tanah Rata would be a nice place to enjoy the highlands, especially during the weekdays.It is much more quieter compared to Brinchang where most of the big hotels and restaurants are located. Brinchang Next is Brinchang which is about 4 km’s (10 minutes drive) from Tanah Rata. This is where you will find most of the hotels and restaurants. The night market which is open every Saturday night and on holidays, features all kinds of vegetables, flowers, fruits and other products of the highlands. This place can get really crowded during the weekends and holiday season. Traffic jams and parking problems can be a nightmare during this time.Next to Ringlet, this is the only other town with petrol stations so keep your fuel tank in check. Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla & Kampung Raja B eyond Brinchang, the road leads to all the way to Blue Valley. Most of the tourist spots are located around this route. This is where you will find the markets, vegetable farms, flower gardens, bee gardens and butterfly gardens. The road also branches out to the Sungai Palas tea plantation from here where you can visit the factory or have a cup of tea while enjoying the breathtaking view of the plantation.If you continue on the main road heading north, it will be downhill from Kea Farm onwards. You will see vegetables farms all the way from here to Tringkap and beyond. Tringkap is a small farming community where you can find stalls along the road selling local produce. Fifteen minutes away is Kuala Terla, another small farming community. Kampung Raja is the last town on the map. Since the opening of the Simpang Pulai road, this town has become the gateway to the highlands from the north. From here, you can head west to Ipoh or east to Gua Musang in Kelantan.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How does the opening scene prepare the reader for the rest of the novel? Essay

In opening passage of Of Mice and Men it seems as though Steinbeck takes great pains to familiarize us with the setting, and the descriptions of nature that he uses though-out , are very poetic and stand apart from the rest of the novel, which is composed primarily of dialogue. An example â€Å"Evening of a hot day started the little wind to moving among the leaves. The shade climbed up the hills toward the top. On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones.†(2) Steinbeck however still uses simple descriptions of the landscape; a secluded river taking refuge in a valley. To forehadow to the reader future events. This is apparent though his carefully chosen language, imagery, symbolism, character description and narration all of which forebodes the reader for many of the themes they will encounter in the novel; friendship, dreams, loneliness, and despair to tragedy. The scene opens with a vivid and evocative description of the landscape and natural beauty of the Salinas River a few moles from Soledad. Steinbeck goes on to describe the sometimes harsh, sometimes caring physical and emotional landscape; all an element of life that is already witnessed. The evocative description begins by highlighting a theme that is present thought-out the novel. ‘On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve to the strong and rock Gambian mountains’ This quote identifies a contrast and the first half of the quote totally counteracts the second half. The first half allows the audience to envisage a desert like setting with a hot climate ‘twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight’. Yet the second half allows the reader to envisage a forest like setting with a tropical climate, ‘the water is lined with trees- willows fresh and green with every spring.’ There are many other contrasts within the first scene, ‘on the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering’ ‘Rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand’ Once again these two quotes contrast each other immensely, as Lizards are thought of as predators that hunt, and rabbits are thought as innocent herbivores. These to creatures lead the reader to picture a division within there habitat one being so vicious and ruthless the other being soft and kind hearted. The use of this contrast is important as it’s similar to the two main characters. The clearing by the river could be contrasted with the ranch: one is a place of relaxation, safety and peace; the other is a work place where George warns Lennie he will have to be careful what he says and does. The ranch is harsh and cruel: for example men only have a box for their possessions, and living is hard and competitive. The two main characters Lennie and George are contrasted strongly in their physical appearance and the way they behave: Lennie is tall, bulky and shambling – he is innocent and gentle, slow (in every sense of the word) and in need of reassurance and guidance; George is small, sharp-featured, ‘street-wise’ and brisk. Of which both characters relate back to the earlier contrast between the lizard and rabbit, the lizard being George and the rabbit being similar to Lennie. Although the contrasts in the opening sequence are to do with nature or animals, and the ones throughout the novel are to do with characters and humans links they still have the same effect. A majority of the contrasts are based solely on Strength vs. Weakness. Another contrast on the ranch is between the people with power: Slim who is respected for his wisdom and competence; Curley who has power, but only because he has inherited it from his father who owns the ranch and employs the men. This agrees with the fact that the majority of contrast consist of Strength vs. Weakness. The pattern of calm and disorder in the opening scene mirrors the pattern of events in the novel as a whole. in the first paragraph in which Steinbeck uses evocative and vivid language, a sense of calm and undisturbed silence is felt, this mirrors the beginning of Lennie and Georges adventures when they rest in a campsite for the night. Steinbeck then describes a slight disturbance, ‘the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering.’ This also mirrors the situation further on in the novel when George and Lennie about constantly asking for ketchup, and George finally losing his temper ‘I got you! You can’t keep a job and you lose me ever’ job I get’. However this could also mirror when Carlson tries to kill Lennie’s dog. The slight disturbance is lost again and the calm is restored again as ‘the rabbits brush to sit on the sand’ this reflects the fact that George and Lennie restore silence and stop arguing because Lennie is warned not to say anything by George. The silence is lost once again as a slight disturbance that slowly builds ‘little wind moving trees’ this is mirrored by the fact that Curley’s wife makes frequent visits to the ranch, or this could mirror the fact that Lennie kills his puppy. Steinbeck then goes on to describe ‘loud footsteps break silence’ in the beginning sequence which is mirrored by Lennie killing Curley’s wife. Steinbeck describes what seems like a final rupture when he describes ‘humans arrive in the clearing’ the sense of calm and tranquillity is lost which mirrors the main event in the novel. When Lennie is shot by George, inevitably putting an end to their friendship and dreams. Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men about where he was born Salinas, California. During the Great Depression of the 1930s. His books often dealt with the lives and problems of working people. Many of the characters he included were immigrants looking for work or a better life. He narrowed his focus when composing ‘Of Mice and Men’ (1937), creating an intimate portrait of two men facing a world marked by petty tyranny, misunderstanding, jealousy, and callousness. But though the scope is narrow, the theme is universal; a friendship and a shared dream that makes an individual’s existence meaningful. Steinbeck based his book around the following Migrant Farm Workers; this is evident within the first chapter as their physical descriptions ‘Both dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons’. Also Lennie and George were two of many migrant farmers tying to find work in the countryside. Another event in the text that allows the audience to understand Lennie and George’s struggle is, during the 1930s, when there was very bad unemployment in the United States, agencies were set up under the New Deal to send farmworkers to where they were needed. George and Lennie got their work cards from Murray and Rody’s, one of these agencies. We hear of this in the text when Lennie tells George he lost it; ‘George†¦..I aint got mine. I musta lost it.’ The opening sequence also indicates that it was based on the American Dream, because immigrants dreamed of a better life in America. People went there to escape from persecution or poverty, and to make a new life for themselves, precisely why Lennie and George left Weed to go there. Another way that the opening scene of the story prepares the reader for the events of the rest of the story is through the subtle, yet significant introduction to the main characters George and Lennie. Within the first paragraph we learn of Lennie’s fascination with animals ‘I remember about the rabbits, George.’ We also learn that they left Weed to escape prosecution, as previously through George’s anger, the audience learns that one of the ‘bad things’ occurred at their last job, in Weed, when Lennie wanted to pet a women’s dress. We learn a great deal of background information through the first sequence subtly yet detailed. The opening sequence prepares the reader for future events in many different ways. The use of language, imagery, symbolism, character description and narration all of which forebodes the reader for many of the themes they will encounter in the novel; friendship, dreams, loneliness, and despair to tragedy. All of these techniques foreshadow events and help the audience understand the characters, their environment and era they lived in without experiencing it themselves. So a combination of historical and social facts, with a range of contrasts help the audience understand and sympathise with the assorted chara

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cohesion Definition and Examples in Chemistry

Cohesion Definition and Examples in Chemistry The word cohesion comes from the Latin word  cohaerere, which means to stick together or stay together. In chemistry, cohesion is a measure of how well molecules stick to each other or group together.  It is caused by the cohesive  attractive force between like molecules. Cohesion is an intrinsic property of a molecule, determined by its shape, structure, and electric charge distribution. When cohesive molecules approach each other, the electrical attraction between portions of each molecule holds them together. Cohesive forces are responsible for surface tension, the resistance of a surface to rupture when under stress or tension. Examples A common example of cohesion is the behavior of water molecules. Each water molecule can form four  hydrogen bonds with neighbor molecules. The strong Coulomb attraction between the molecules draws them together or makes them sticky. Because the water molecules are more strongly attracted to each other than to other molecules, they form droplets on surfaces (e.g., dew drops) and form a dome when filling a container before spilling over the sides. The surface tension produced by cohesion makes it possible for light objects to float on water without sinking (e.g., water striders walking on water). Another cohesive substance is mercury. Mercury atoms are strongly attracted to each other; they bead together on surfaces. Mercury sticks to itself when it flows. Cohesion  vs. Adhesion Cohesion and adhesion are commonly confused terms. While cohesion refers to the attraction between molecules of the same type, adhesion refers to the attraction between two different types of molecules. A combination of cohesion and adhesion is responsible for capillary action, which is what happens when water climbs up the interior of a thin glass tube or the stem of a plant. Cohesion holds the water molecules together, while adhesion helps the water molecules stick to glass or plant tissue. The smaller the diameter of the tube, the higher water can travel up it. Cohesion and adhesion are also responsible for the meniscus of liquids in glasses. The meniscus of water in a glass is highest where the water is in contact with the glass, forming a curve with its low point in the middle. The adhesion between the water and glass molecules is stronger than the cohesion between the water molecules. Mercury, on the other hand, forms a convex meniscus. The curve formed by the liquid is lowest where the metal touches the glass and highest in the middle. Thats because mercury atoms are more attracted to each other by cohesion than they are to glass by adhesion. Because the shape of the meniscus depends partly on adhesion, it will not have the same curvature if the material is changed. The meniscus of water in a glass tube is more curved than it is in a plastic tube. Some types of glass are treated with a wetting agent or surfactant to reduce the amount of adhesion so that capillary action is reduced and also so that a container delivers more water when it is poured out. Wettability or wetting, the capacity for a liquid to spread out on a surface, is another property affected by cohesion and adhesion.

Monday, November 4, 2019

About ways to reduce the impact of a particular lifestyle behavior Research Paper

About ways to reduce the impact of a particular lifestyle behavior - Research Paper Example The â€Å"Inconvenient Truth† that Al Gore presented establishes a significant response from the public, even in some government institutions around the world. The report of Gore presented a remarkable issue that tries to link the significant contribution of mankind to the destruction of the environment. Gore presented the point that the contribution of the human activities to the pollution in the environment is staggering as a result of economic activities and other personal activities prior to the preservation of life and establishing the advancing economy. In the case of cars on the road, many business establishments cannot simply move in their economic activities or business activities if they will not use cars, as a basic requirement in the advancing level of industrialization in the 20th Century. This leads fossil fuels to become the highlight or issue in the prevailing environmental pollution. However, the point that fuel or oil to be considered as the lifeblood of the economy in the 20th Century cannot just be simply eradicated. Every individual or business establishment might have a substantial requirement for fuel. If it is not for personal gain, it must be for the achievement of certain economic objectives. Unfortunately, this has become the remarkable trend around the world today. Every day there are various vehicles on the road that are on the go in contributing to a certain level of greenhouse gases emission. Eradicating them might not be the ultimate feasible solution as for now, but trying to minimize those running on the road will be a significant contribution to the reduction of harmful gases emission like carbon dioxide. For this reason, taking the carpool or subway is viewed to be a significant contribution in alleviating the degree of air pollution in the environment. Studies found that cars, especially around 10 percent of the older ones alone are significantly contributing around 50 percent of air

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organizational behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Organizational behavior - Essay Example This gives the individual participators a sense of personal achievement (Heller, 1999). In addition, competent persons who can perform irrespective of absence of effective leadership can reach higher heights if there is effective leadership to guide and motivate them. Bright ideas, best interest, and sound business knowledge are key ingredients to a successful business, but these are not enough. Effective leadership is required to bring people together with an aim to achieve common goals of the organization (, 2014). Effective leadership is inevitable for making things happen in the consistently changing market dynamics. An organization must invest in effective leadership in order to remain relevant in a business environment with ever changing competition, profile of people joining the organization, legal, political, and social-cultural environment (Stanfielf, 2009). In addition, organizations face challenges that are specific to them. Strategies need to be developed to deal with these challenges. Effective leadership is fundamental in the formulation of appropriate strategies and implementation of these strategies to propel organizations in the right direction. If there are two teams of equal competence, but one team lacks effective leadership, the team with effective leadership will certainly win over the team that lacks effective leadership (Adair, 1983).Effective leadership at all levels of an organization increases the chances of survival of an organization. It also enables to sustain the g rowth of the organization and realization of organization’s full capacity (Fenimore and Nirenberg, 2004) Effective leadership is characterized with empowerment of employees through inclusion in decision-making, enhanced communication and consideration of individual needs and rights of the employees. The subsequent effect of effective leadership is enhanced employees commitment to the